About César Zea

PracticING Honesty
Educated in honesty and in the values of openness and honesty, it is in itself a reliable and predictable professional oriented to the search for solutions, efficiency and the achievement of the objectives of its clients avoiding being conditioned by harmful internal policies that may hinder. You, who hire me, determine and define the internal policies to respect and follow. I will be your ally helping you achieve your goals.
No technical risks
By hiring César Zea you hire a senior who uses his experience and knowledge for you. I have learned, and continue to learn, although when I work for you I have learned from home. My goal is not to learn with the services that I perform for you but to satisfy your needs 100%.
You are not hiring a junior. You are hiring a real senior. When I say that I am an expert at something, I really am.
100% ORIENTED TO software development
Passionate about software development from the age of 16 to the present, with 51, living intensely all the fields of software development: implementation, analysis, requirements, equipment management, customer service, need search and even consultative sales, but always, always, coding and in a personal and direct way.
PURSUING Excellence
Pursuit for excellence as a way to obtain personal and professional satisfaction. Every detail, every solution, every analysis, every line of code counts. The pride of seeing in one's own work the excellence of a job well done.
Short professional summary
I am considered without a doubt as:
- SQL Server expert (25 years of experience) with active Microsoft Action Pack Subscription.
- Sencha ExtJS (11 y.e) having the Sencha ExtJS Premium License Subscription.
- Java J2EE (10 y.e.) being worked with other technologies in the past (C, C++, MDL, VB6, etc).
- And Node.Js and AWS API and AWS-DMS experienced.
I have been recognised as a SQL Server senior expert by my customers and hired recursively as such in many projects and consulting services, optimisation, developments, migrations, BI systems, etc.
In the last years I have provided solutions, carried out projects and given technical advice in projects such as:
- Migration of ERP of the company ELDON, adaptation, migration and full redesign of their BI systems.
- Migration, consolidation, verification and optimization of Telepizza telemarketing databases in production.
Migration, consolidation, verification and optimisation of the production databases of the pharmaceutical company ALK Abelló. - Development and maintenance for seven years of the System of Telecontrol of the Public Lighting and ornamental fountains of the City council of Madrid.
- Hired many times as an expert in SQL Server to solve, optimisation, design or consulting sessions.
Etc., etc., etc.
Many of the middleware and front ends that I am needed to interact with my SQL Server solutions has being developed by myself in Java + Sencha ExtJs, sometimes with others subcontracted staff.
My experience in software development started with Basic and Assembler in 1986 at the age of 16. Since then I went through very good professional experiences of the highest level (Intecsa International, Dragados Group, now ACS) before creating my own development company in 1999.
Without neglecting software development at any time, I have managed to conform as a professional of high value for certain projects where the combination of responsibility, analytical capacity and executive interaction with the client is a factor of importance.
César Zea detailed professional experience
From 1.999 to Now
Jaune Sistemas
Jaune Sistemas - 21 years covering my development projects
Jaune Sistemas is a César Zea company to cover their jobs and their software development teams when needed.
Creation of Jaune Sistemas in 1999 as a personal company. Initially founded to continue the projects originally assigned by INTECSA to Poliedro Engineers after the cessation of activity Poliedro Engineers and the continuity agreement reached them.
From 2009 to now (11 years)
As of 2009, I continued with Jaune Sistemas as a solo developer and consultant offering and carrying out uninterrupted development projects with SQL Server, Java, Sencha ExtJs and SQL Server consulting sessions directly or through third parties, being recognised in many times by clients as DBA Expert and SQL Server Development Expert.
During this period I have continued to use Jaune Sistemas, as the sole worker and partner as a commercial platform and on occasions to hire collaborators to face some of the projects carried out.
Software Development
Approximately 80% of the time has been dedicated to pure software development, either alone, forming teams or joining third-party teams, either in coding, much of the time, as in analysis, testing, validation, documentation, etc.
At least 70% of the projects have been tackled without receiving specifications and in many cases without the minimum prior analysis, having to face all the necessary tasks from start to finish until the start-up.
Analysis of needs, definition of specifications, follow-up reports, specific consulting sessions, project management, search for and proposal of solutions, etc.
On many occasions I have been required by my clients in consulting sessions as an Expert in SQL Server, either to train their teams, solve specific problems, optimizations, etc.
Finding clients, project management, personnel search, performance monitoring, tracking documents, customer relations, team management, etc.
SQL Server, JAVA, Sencha ExtJS, Node.Js, AWS-APIs. AWS-DMS
From 1.999 to 2.009 (10 years)
After Poliedro Ingeniero's decision to cease its activity, and again with the aim of continuing with the projects started years before at Intecsa Internacional that were transferred to Poliedro Ingenieros, I created my own software development company, in which I continued developing in person and without interruption, in addition to directing it and making it evolve both from the technical aspect and from the managerial point of view, search for clients, selection and management of personnel, etc. without detaching myself from software development.
With more than fifteen developers under my charge, including permanent, temporary and freelance staff, at that time at Jaune Sistemas I developed, together with my development teams, a multitude of consulting and development projects, in addition to devising and implementing my own CRM product that was implemented in various clients and was an important source of income for the adaptation and evolutionary projects it triggered.
As a further service to some of its clients, Jaune Sistemas assumes the Systems Management of some clients, including Georg Fischer and Paisajes Españoles.
In order to cover some of the needs of Jaune Sistemas for which I was not trained, I received from the AB Group company a comprehensive training course in commercial tasks, from market segmentation, prospect search, selection of commercial objectives , deals, A, B, C, preparation and follow-up of first visits, cold calls, etc.
Software Development
As my main activity, I continued to carry out first-person software development work in all areas, forming part of my development teams while making it compatible with the search for new clients and other necessary tasks, in addition to the complementary training that I acquired in this professional phase.
Analysis of needs, definition of specifications, follow-up reports, specific consulting sessions, project management, search for and proposal of solutions, etc.
On many occasions I have been required by my clients in consulting sessions as an Expert in SQL Server, either to train their teams, solve specific problems, optimizations, etc.
Management of the company, development teams, clients, project managers, etc., Client search, project management, personnel search, execution supervision, follow-up documentation, client relations, team management, etc. .
SQL Server, JAVA, Sencha ExtJS, Visual Basic, C# .Net
From 1.998 to 1.999
Poliedro Ingenieros
A company to continue the IT projects abandoned by INTECSA
Poliedro Ingenieros was created with the aim of giving continuity to the projects that I live for the Barcelona City Council and other clients after the closure of the INTECSA Internacional software development department after its sale as a civil engineering company.
In this company I was hired as director, leading and continuing with the work and projects that we carry out from there.
From 1993 to 1998
INTECSA Internacional
INTECSA Internacional. The biggest Civil Engineer consultancy company in Spain at 90s
Starting as developer, then analyst, later architect and later Project Manager due to my merits with my Final Degree Project with Honors with the completion of a project that brought many benefits to Intecsa, along with the merits of my works for the Barcelona City Council.
I developed and managed a multitude of development projects, both in their technical, administrative, economic and commercial aspects.
From 1992 to 1993
Software Ibérica 92. A software development company for business and accounting applications.
Capted by SOFTWARE-IBÉRICA 92 to be part of its staff, I spent the month of January hired by INDUSTRIAS PROTECNO S. A. in an external collaboration regime to finalize the systems started there.
Both Organic and Functional analysis tasks of projects of own and third-party responsibility in work both alone and in a team with the rest of the analysts of the development department and with the director of the same.